Seeing the DSO (first time)

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    The DSO is the Detroit Symphony Orcestra. I've never seen them before because it's not my kind of music. But they do have a world class ranking.

    I saw them at Greenfield Village. Which is an american history museum. It's an outdoor museum containing the Right Brothers bicycle shop, Thomis Edison's labs, Henry Fords shop where he put together his first car. I mean the actual buildings where history was made. With many other homes of great people. The whole layout is early1900's. I use to work at a hotel nearby in my teens & people come from all over to see it & the Henry Ford Museum.

    The DSO played to this theme. The sounds were so clear & crisp. I realy was in awe. As they played our patriotic songs, evan Yankee Doodle Dandy, I could not help but to feel something, pride to be an American. Not the politics of today. But what America is supposed to be. A place where all people can live, work, & be something. A place that is worth fighting for because your not fighting for just you but for the ideal of freedom.

    When the Star Spangle Banner is played so beautifully it brings a tear to your eye. I felt so good just being there. It was awsome. I wish I was better with words so that you could feel what I did. I'm just not good at it.

    Karen Brad