A Good Year Coming

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    I think it will be. Yes I'm having surgery & I will have to take the meds for Hep-C. But thats just a part of life. It's not a good or a bad thing. It just is.

    I'm talking about Karen & my comfort level with being her. Last year I set impossable goals in where I wanted to be. But in fact I did come a long way. Not in becoming passable but in selfexceptence. (thats spelled wrong I'm sure) I'm starting to learn my makeup & thinking about going for a good manicure. My nails are bad. I'm wanting to take care of Karen better. I'll never pass but I still want to look as nice as I can. All the time not just as Karen. I'm wanting to be more femm all the time in what I see. I think it's just better grooming. I can't slip on a skirt & just look better if I don't work at it when wearing pants. What am I trying to say? I'm becoming more Karen than K. I like that.

    Had a good talk with Wendy Larson lastnight. Spoke of so many things. I realy injoyed it. I was drinking beer as we talked & before I knew it I had drank 7. Head hurts this morning. But I feel so much better than I did before we chatted. Wonderfull girl!!

    With that I want you all to have a Very happy year ahead.  Thank you all for everything.