City Councel Closing Detroit Zoo

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    The city of detroit has no money to run the zoo. The zooalogical socity has mad a proposalto take over operations with a 4 million grant from the state. The council voted no saying it was racial. Now the zoo is in danger of closing for lack of funds.

    I'm sorry but I can't see where race would come into this. I think racisim is pigheaded & does need to be gaurded against. But to see it in everything is also pigheaded. I dought if the polor bears have a problem with black bears. I use to work with a woman that talked of nothing but race everyday. No one wanted to have to work with her. She was finely given a desk job to get her off the floor.

    The Detroit city council in my opinion doesn't let anything progress. Thier like a brick wall. They argue with the mayor & each other over everything. It realy makes one think obout moving away from being anywhere near the city. Unless they learn to work together for the greater good nothing will change.