BAck to Work Allready

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    I saw the doctor on Fri & he said he wants to wait 6 months now before the next surgery. First we were ctold 6 to 10 weeks. Then 3 months, now 6 months. I told him I can't wait that long I'll disabilaty will run out. He said how come I don't go back to work. He wrote me out a slip & I go back Mon. It will be very limited duty & only part time. But I can do it.

    Faith Hill & her husband are touring together. My sister wanted tickets. She called me last night & ask if I would go on-line for her to get them. She has meetings today. Tickets went on sale at 10:00. I was there the second it said so. It took about 10 tries to get through. So many other people were buying tickets. I ended up with upper deck for $100 apeace. I like Faith Hill in fact I love her legs. But not $100 worth. Growing up in Detroit we had concerts every weekend. But they have priced them so high now I don't go anymore. Though I did pay to see Paul. To evan see 1 of the beetles was worth it.