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    Good Morning!!!

    Ok so I don't have cancer. What happened was that who ever read the C.A.T. scan measured the spot from a different angle than before. So since it's oblong & not round the numbers were bigger. The doctor that called me read the report without looking at the scan itself. The doctor I talked to yesterday showed me the scans going back more than a year. Measuring from the same angle every time there was no growth. I did such a great job of worring & it was all for nothing.

    My sister went with me for support & so that at least one of us would have a leval head while talking with the doctor. This sister doesn't like or understand my being TG. The first doc to come in was a young guy he asked some questions than had me lay back on the table. He poked around my belly than without warning pulled up my pantleg to look at my ankles for swelling. He felt both than walked out without saying anything. I started laughing & my sister said what's so funny. I said I wonder what he thinks of my knee-highs. We got into a debate that I'll share at another time. Lets just say that she didn't think it was so funny.

     Thats my story. From a verry happy Karenxxx