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    A little slow waking up this morning coffee just ain't doing it for me.

    I went to my sisters yesterday for easter. My great niece was there. I wrote about her before. She's the one with the speech problem She's doing a lot better than the doctors said she would but still can't get out a whole sentence. Well she has learned (on her own) to be very expressive to get her point across. She'a absolutely wonderfull!! You can understand everything she is trying to say. I fell so in love.

    Her sister has one of those Barbie sing along things. When the older one sings she is just the cutest little girl. But when the younger one picked it up she's a rocker. She's only not evan 3 yet & she's got the dance moves down. They don't know where she picked it up from. They said she just picked up the mike & could do it.

    I wish they didn't live so far away I'd love to see more of her.