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    Going to see Mere next weekend. Had it planned to go after I got off work on Friday. Now they changed my starting time again so I won't get off untill 6pm. After I shower & eat something it will be about 7 when I get started. The drive is somewhere between 4 & 5 hours.

    Work told me I can't go early unless I get someone to cover it, but I'm going to put in for it anyway & let the union fight it out. There's only one other person that can cover what I do.

    That reminds me, we're setting up a new auto feed system at the start of the cells. Right now we have an operator doing it. It will be faster to have a robot do it. But a robot can't tell if a part has damage or not so we're installing cameras to be the eyes. I'll be working with the company that's installing them on how to program them on Wensday. First I'll learn than I'm to teach the other guy when there's time. So untill then I'll be the only person in the shop that can do it. Evil thoughts run through my mind. hehehe