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    I've been all out of sorts lately. I don't know how to describe how I feel, just so blah. Happy, sad, angry, confused, all in just a few minutes time. I realy feel tired all the time.

    I'm back on the day shift & having to do a lot of things I never did before. When we set up a cell I allways did the robots & the electronic stuff. Now I've been doing the whole thing by myself. Using huge hilos to move dies that weigh upto 150 tons. That's because there are a lot of people still laid off & we're getting more work. So the people that are there are all doing the same thing & to busy to help.

    Not letting people know I'm a tranny is getting harder & harder. I don't mean it's hard not to say anything but I'm showing it in my behavior. I guess the real you shows no matter what.