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    I got to have my coffee today.

    i took a cab to the hospital yesterday. getting there at 8:30. they took me straight in & gave me a robe thing to put on. i was hoping i could keep my pants since i couldn't find a pair of mens underwear to wear. they left me alone to change & i got under a cover without anyone seeing my panties.

    they started my IV & did some other stuff. they put some happy juice in the line & i went off to happy land but not out. then they started poking my arm just under the shoulder & said it would block my arm.

    i laid there for awhile feeling good thinking about wierd things, wondering when they were going to put me under. the nurse came up saying we were all done. i had no idea i was ever asleep. i looked at my arm & it was all wrapped up at the elbow. i tried to move it but it was dead so i picked it up but there was no feeling at all. the nurse told me it would come back in about 8hrs.

    the nurse said she would dress me & help me get up. she pulled off the cover. she didn't say anything but she did turn very red when she saw my panties.

    they had me sit in a chair & eat some crackers & drink a ginger ale to make sure it didn't make me sick. my sister came in & i went home.

    the numbness is gone & the pain has started. but it's supposed to hurt. they gave me some drugs but i won't take them. i hate the way they make me feel.

    so now i just have to heal.