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    Packing up to go to Chicago for a few days with Mere. What to pack? Well of course the essentials. But will I have time to get dolled up? Just in case I packed 2 bras, my formsĀ & evan some pantyhose. Though I think pantyhose are a pain in the ass the do make my legs look nicer. I think! Also my makeup. I have like a tackle box full of the stuff. A lot of that I'm going to give to Mere as it's starting to get old, I bought way to much at one time. I'm also taking 2 cameras, there will be lots of pics.

    I'm also looking forward to meeting Mere's sister Jen. We've emailed some & she seems realy cool with who Mere is. I might steal her for a makeup lesson if I can.

    I got to get moving, lots to do yet before I go.I'm taking my ipad so I will blog if anything happens worth blogging about.