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    Sorry to leave this hanging for so long. Back to Chicago.

    Friday morning Mere picked me up at the motel. She had a busy day so I just tagged along. She wanted to check out a book from some collage downtown. She had to park on a sidestreet. The houses in that area were old but they were very well kept. The front yards are smaller than my tiny bathroom & they don't plant grass. Everyone had flowers growing.

    We were not in downtown proper & Mere was pointing out places that she liked. But I was noticing a lot of things. Some very old buildings that were very well kept & the signs on them were older than I am but were in great shape. I saw people outside cleaning thier store fronts. You never see that here in Detroit, never.

    Later I went with her to the school she works in. Her voice wasn't the best from the cold she had so she brought a movie for them to watch. An old french comedy she likes. It was kind of an odd movie but there were parts that you could not keep yourself from laughing.

    From there she dropped me off back at the motel & Saturday I drove to her place. Which is where I'll pick this up again later.