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    Don't know it anyones noticed or not but I haven't been posting anything. Not here in the blogs or in the forums. No reason realy I just haven't felt like it. fact is that since I've been back to work I haven't felt like doing much of anything. The things I have tried to do haven't worked out.

    I met a lady lastweek while out shopping. We were wearing the same top & shoes. We talked a little than met for drinks & lunch the next day. Well turns out she's married, but says we can still see each other. I don't do that. I did when I was younger but that was just for sex. I've grown since than & I want something more.

    When I met her I was shopping for a ceiling fan. I was told they are easy to install. But when I tried I found I have to cut the opening bigger to put in braces for support. I'm not a carpenter. When I do things like that they look like crap. Who ever built this place did a bad job. I've allready had a door fall off & I found that the mounts for the lights that are allready there aren't in right. Home Depot hasc a list of contractors you can hire. I called only to be told it would cost $500 to put in 2 fans. So no fans for now.

    Ok now for some fun stuff.

    I bought 2 new sundresses. I don't realy wear dresses very much but I realy like these. The fit, the feel. It just sucks that I can't realy wear them out in the sun.

    I also bought some padded thing called a Betty Boop Behind. There supposed to help pad your behind to give you that femm look. What I found was a very streatchy pair of panties with 2 little pads on the butt. That's just what they look like to, 2 pads on my butt.