non confessional booth ,confession

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    Well it seems that for me that 2012-13 has been the year of reckoning for me.
    I finally gave the denial processi been hiding behind for 44 years.a heave  hoe

    my life at a start :
    When i was little say elementry school exspecially in recess i found ihad no interest in what the males were doing
    but i found myself gravitating toward where the girls were playing.
    there they were playng games like hopsotch  or jumping rope.

    but at home
    i use look out my bedroom window and spy on the girl next door . Out in her back yard she had a play house .\
    Whereshe was pretending to serve tea to her dolls .
    Everyday that i watched her.

    i notice that she would ware some pretty dresses and ribbons in her hair
     than i would look at my self dresses and i would have on the same old drab cloths .  

    later in what we in the states call jr high school
    i was noticing that most of the girls were delevoping bump on their chest
    My dad called them boobs when i asked him one day.
    what i did noticed be side of their  biological changes .
      That i was getting enyious of the girls and how they were being treated by other students
    i notice the girls with the biggest boobs were geting the most attention.
    For i as a male was getting no attention from any body male or female.
     that i was differant

     In high school i noticed a big change in me .

    For some reason i started to be attracted  to some of the boys in school. 
    this threw me for a loop. For i thought i was gay buy what i heard was the standards in the 70s.
    but  i was still had the attraction to the girls and want to be around them.
    Deep inside i was feeling i want to be one  of them(the girls) for some reason.
    Later i decided that to  deal with this  see /saw of gender  feelings  ,
     So i started crossdressing using my moms cloths.
     Doingthis for many years brought me to feel shame . So my denial of my trues feeling was activated.

    so Iactivated a series of denial by pruging.  By hiding  my feelings and the closetedcross dressing on and of for 44 years.
     , till the feeling s got so great that The femalenes inside me was leaking out of me as i talked acted upon stuff and
    i couldnt  stand no more and i seeked medical help. there through aseries of interviewsand self inner examination  and with her help .
    i had decide to go with the flow of my gender feelings .
    Eventhough they  conflict with my male gender feeling at the moment
    so as of this writing i have recieved my letter for hormon treatment from my therapist and start taking the mone.
    i hope this helps me out and settles my inside and my soul.

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