the start

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    This is my first blog, ever!! but want to write it, so i can look back, and read it in time to come, and hopefully, give myself a little boost.


    Ive finally realised i cant go on acting like its not real. i am me, the real me, not the mask ive worn each and every day for the last 30 years. its time i embraced, not hide. ive lived it seams for every one else, scared of upsetting people, feeling like a failure, a freak. i have finally grown to realise if i am to acheive any kind of happy ness i have to do something about it..


    went to see doctor some time ago, and got refered to some local psyciatrist. turns out i knew her, she is one of our customers at work, but was so easy to talk, i didnt care what she thought of me, i was just happy to be able to talk about things. it help me to understand what it is i need to do, with in my self, and where i want to be. i want to look in the mirror and see who i feel, its been a life of acting the person i look, but now i am going to learn to be the person i am. i pray that one day, harmony will be acheived between my soul and my reflection.


    next step is the laurels, its agony waiting, im told it could be a long while before i get an apointment. but at least the ball is rolling.xx

  • Briana Purcell likes this
  • Briana Purcell All the best in the journey Stephanie - those emotions are quite common to most of us here - me certainly : )
  • Briana Lynn Rekowski You've expressed yourself very well, I wish you all the luck moving forward. Remember, it's not a race, and it's not the size of each step, only that they are in the right direction, and most importantly, follow your heart, don't let ANYONE tell you...  more