Recent Entries

  • Makeover

    I am not the sort of girl who lets the grass grow under her stilettos. After coming out it took me approximately no time at all to realise that I needed to be transformed into Ariane and have some professional photos taken. So today I have had my hair cut at an upmarket salon in my local town. Now i...
  • State of mind

    It was only last Thursday evening when I came out to my friends. Somehow it seems longer. I paid a social call unannounced as I was in the area anyway. The conversation came round to their children, again, and trans issues. I had not intended to come out but suddenly I had the feeling that the time ...
  • Introducing Ariane

    Hello, my name is Ariane. I do have a story but for now I want to say why I'm here and what I'm doing. My femme side has been dormant for a long time. Essentially I have to dress in private and it's not much of a life. I didn't think I would ever be able to express myself properly. But recently I de...