If you go down to the woods today…

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    …You'd better go in disguise!


    I have had some time as Ariane for four days in a row. This must be a record for me. But today was the first day that Ariane was able to leave home. I drove about 15 miles to Alice Holt Forest near Farnham. This is very popular with families at the weekend, but on a Thursday afternoon in term-time it was almost deserted.

    The forest has a number of waymarked trails. I chose one of the shorter ones. It was a lovely walk through the trees. There were a few other people in the forest, but no one close.

    After that I walked up to the visitor centre and café. Here too it was fairly quiet. I chose a drink and took it to the counter. The young woman who was serving gave me a lovely smile. I don’t know whether she realised I was trans but it didn’t matter. So I sat down at a table outside and spent half an hour there just feeling happy before driving home.

    My mindset is changing. I used to think, I hope no one notices that I’m not a real woman. Now I think it doesn’t matter if they do. I’m happy with who I am.

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