The new normal

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    I'm having an Ariane day. I wanted to do the same as I would in boy mode. So I started off responsibly with a stack of ironing, in our front room looking out the window and hoping to see some passers by or the postwoman (I was planning to open the door to her, but sadly no post for me today). Then I drove into town to the supermarket to buy a few things for tonight's dinner. Lots of people there today, but no one I knew. And then, walking through town to one of my favourite local cafés. I'm not sure whether the (young and female) staff worked me out, but they smiled and they were friendly. 


    So this is the new normal now. I feel completely natural when I go out as Ariane. I'm just me myself I, wearing different clothes today. No one gives me a second look. I'm loving it. Amazing how I was afraid to go out locally until quite recently.