War on Woke 2

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    Government thinking moves so fast that it can be hard to keep up. What is the most dangerous threat to the nation of England? Only a few days ago it was Russians discovering the location of government departments by tailing civil servants with rainbow lanyards on their way back from their lunch break. Today, however, the threat comes from children under the age of nine finding out about the concept of gender identity. It turns out that this age group is more likely than any other to question its gender and seek moral guidance from woke teachers – a profession so devious that it makes used car salesmen look like the Angel Gabriel.

    Interestingly, this news comes to you not from my regular source (the Guardian) but in this BBC News article. The Guardian also carries an article about the government's sex education plans but does not pick up on gender identity. That's because this news nugget was given to the BBC by government sources. The Guardian must be wondering what it has done to upset the government.

    It cannot be a coincidence that this story appears on the same day as an unrelated Guardian article featuring plans by Keir "I changed my mind" Starmer about Labour's six new campaign pledges including the recruitment of 6,500 new teachers. Tomorrow look out for the Daily Mail screamer on how Labour plans to accelerate the teaching of gender identity to the youngest school year groups.

    There is something Orwellian about a decision to ban the very mention of a concept. Does this mean that the concept itself ceases to exist? In years to come, people will refer to a spectrum as a mythical construct in early educational circles rather like dragons. Don't tell me you believe in dragons.

    In practical terms, taking information on gender identity out of the classroom means that children who hear of it will seek information online from sources which are certainly unregulated. Gender information will come to be controlled by organised crime groups in the same way as drugs or prostitution.

    Teachers and educational experts agree that age alone is inappropriate in deciding what children should and should not learn. But who needs experts when you have newspaper proprietors on your side?