Ariane is going public

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    I wish this site had more girly members who could see this. It's  been an incredible few days.

    Today on return from the run I came home and showered and transformed into Ariane. 

    I didn't do lunch - just some nuts – who needs lunch when you're corseted. Then I went to the Witley dump. It was sad to discover that M&S is linked to Israel. I have so many M&S basics and one jumper dress. I stripped my entire wardrobe and recycled this stuff.

    I did that as Ariane, in a long black dress and stiletto ankle boots.

    Then I went into Godalming and bought some food at Waitrose. Then Boots for some replacement brushes (I can't use MAC any more either). Then one of the town's many cafés to chill.

    Also Ariane went into one of our charity shops and bought a lovely black cocktail dress. Only £7.00. I'll be doing that again. I would like a black hat too but unfortunately nothing in the right size.

    Also I bought a pair of Victorian-style stiletto ankle boots (not pictured).

    What's most important is that I have finally accepted that I am a woman. I may not be as brave as Lucy and go all the way but I do want everyone to know, including my family. I can't tell you how liberating this feels. Also how happy it makes me to finally accept who I am.

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