The future is female

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    In Berlin the first prize for affirming Ariane's female identity went to Patroa Studio. I came across their work by chance in a market stall north of the cathedral. They produce art designs which are printed on cloth. This one says it all for me…

    The future is female: the belief in full social, economic and political equality for women. 

    I don't think I can do better than quote from the About Us: Who We Are section of the Patroa Studio website:

    Patroa Studio is a wall art business made with love and conscience. In Brazilian popular culture "Patroa", which translates as "female boss", refers to a woman who is in charge, is her own and independent, as we believe all women deserve to be!

    From images hailed from old encyclopedias to contemporary authorial designs, we print posters and fine art canvases, using Japanese archival printing ink. Each poster and print is produced on demand and trimmed by hand in our studio in Berlin.

    We are a small team of female and queer artists and collaborators, who believe art is a great way to express ourselves. Each of our products reflects the joy, the ethics and the care we put into our business: making not only your home but also our world a more beautiful place.

    So. The future is female. Ariane's future is female. I bought this poster and will hang it on the wall to remind me.