Recent Entries

  • A very early morning hello to all the girls here. Woke up & couldn't get back to sleep. Had a real good week at work. Everyday things just seemed to run good. Well maybe not Thur. A clamp on one of the fixtures broke. A 30min repair normaly. There air controled & as I reached in to disconnec...
  • Morning Ladies! My what a busy week I've had.Work has been hectic. We're starting to pick up again & the other person I work with went on vacation. So I had to cover it all alone which kept me running everyday. Wensday was real bad I never got one cell running before another one stopped.Saw my n...
  • Forgetting it's Sunday I woke up this morning & looked at the clock. Jumped out of bed at a run thinking I was late for work. I'm already in hot water for telling my boss what I thought of something he told me to do. I was suspended for a day. Was half dressed before it dawned on me. Threw my go...
  • Morning!!!Someone we called Chip, at work died last Sunday. He had a liver transplant about the same time I had my surgery. His liver was destroid by hepititus-c that had gone undetected for to long. His new liver never seemed to realy take, and then the hep-c came back. If they hadn't caught mine w...
  • Good Morning!!I've been quiet lately. I think it's the meds I'm taking. I just don't have much intrest in anything. I've been on anti-depressants before & there were allways side effects such as low energy or jitters. But these are more like a emotional numbness. Sure they block out sadness but ...
  • Why do so many of us like kinky sex?According to research, sadomasochism is probably a behaviour we're born withVivienne Parry It's confession time. I am possibly the only journalist to have written simultaneously for the News of the World and the Journal of Molecular Biology (different features, yo...
  • Not sure if it's late night or early morning. I took some codine for pain in my elbow before I went to bed. Only slept 2 hours & I'm wide awake. DUMB!I ran into an old girlfriend the other day we talked for a bit then she asked if I had time for lunch. We were talking about this & that when ...
  • Good Morning &  Happy 4th of July.Had my first session with a new shrink yesterday. My first day was realy Wensday but it was with a guy. I told him that this won't work as I didn't feel comfortable talking to a man. So I was switched to another shrink. She looks like she only just got out of hi...
  • After going back & reading what I wrote yesterday I told my doctor I was having trouble. He gave me Zoloft & a list of places I can look for a new shrink. The lady I was seeing about my gender issues liked playing head games so much I had to stop seeing her or I was going to knock the crap o...
  • Can't Keep Going Like This

    Off work again because of my stomach. I can't keep this up. I keep having thoughts of suicide about my job & money. If I don't stop getting hurt I will lose my job & I can't do that it's all I have