The pitfalls and opportunities of search-engines and web-based communication

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    Because we communicate to one another on a multi-national basis over the internet,
    miss-communication is obviously possible and can occasionally cause harm. So I thought I’d provide you with a little anecdote to make you smile..

    I’m an architect and this is acknowledged by my friends and family. I’m also trans-gendered and that isn’t. About four or five years ago I was working upon a project for a family house, and the kitchen required refurbishing. I recalled the name of a company that manufactured substitute kitchen cupboard doors to replace your existing doors. An easy way to bring a tired old kitchen to life..

    So I typed in the company name to discover more. I was working within an open-plan office, and all members of staff were able to trace (should they wish) the history of any individuals searches or emails. So it was with a mixture of surprise and delight when my cupboard door replacement company turned out to be Transformation. This eventful, coincidental discovery awakened many things, but didn’t eventually lead to new glossy MDF doors, more a case of glossy MtF. Of course I’m assuming that this imaginary door replacement company did actually exist and that it wasn’t just a front for a Tranny Shop next to Euston Station.