The Story Behind the Headlines

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    It’s sooooooooo irritating (not really) when you click on a thread topic and then discover that only certain members are allowed to enter into the fray. So irritating because the topics always look so intriguing. So please, come on girls, at least make an effort to make it sound boring, then we won’t all need to be inquisitive. I mean, who can’t avoid being nosey about something entitled ‘She reminds me hurricanes in the Gulf!’
    I’ve got a few extra headlines that you might consider using in the future…

    What Gall from the Gal

    Femme fatale

    Mixed messages from Missile Miss

    Spinning in opposite directions to us all – just like CERN

    Chat. Choke. Chick.

    No you can’t read this – Ha, ha, ha!

    Only jealous of course, because I not on the club and feel a mite excluded. Just please stop making it all sound so interesting!
