London Buses

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    What on earth generated 16 visits to my blog in one day I wonder? Then almost immediately I remember that I was Trannyweb Member of the Day last Wednesday and assume that must be the reason. I suspect these curious souls may not be returning too quickly, given the rather dull fare on offer.

    I still have my upper deck moments, head in the clouds, dreamy and away with the fairies. My lower deck has been industrious and too damn busy since the turn of the year, and my engine is tired, spluttering a little, in need of a service. The driver – ever anxious and cautious about progress travels a familiar route avoiding mishaps and refuses to take provocative turns. The conductor on the other hand is aware that there is another route and patiently waits to see if the momentum ever takes us there.

    The bell rings and off we go again, until the next stop.