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    The great diarists wrote daily - or suggested so. I suspect Pepys had the odd day off, the occasional morning when he thought ‘Oh sod it, I ain’t done nuthin’ in t’last 24 hours so I’ain’t gonna tell owt’, which gave his editor a holiday at least.
    I’m here again, for the third day running. My fingers are moving faster than my brain, and neither are moving that quickly.
    It doesn’t feel entirely appropriate to reflect upon column inches here, but the cheap joke makes it worthwhile so I’ll continue. I wonder, is journalism a vocation fuelled by a salary and an inquisitive mind, or do hacks have a real need to tell and a yearning to be read?
    Bloggers, and this one admits it, want to be read and pored over, they desire a little attention. A cry for help, a silent sob, a release valve from a stress-filled life, and the squeal of the spoilt brat. Is that what this is? I don’t think so, but make up your own mind…
    Could I be a sub-Stephen Fry, an alias Alistair Cook? Could I write something (of interest) that is worthwhile and pertinent?
    A stolen ten minutes from a morning when I should be too busy, not a blog, a blag.
    Have a busy and productive day and wash with like colours.