Tell her, don't say anything, just give them the look, not worth risking her job, put it down to just another ignorant troglodyte.
Robin one must have a sarcastic sense of humour, years ago after I had just gone public, a neighbour stopped my guardian in the street and told her she ought to get me sorted, take me to see someone that could sort me out,, perhaps a father figure, My guardian with her Jewish sarcasm told her basically our house was the most valuable in the street, because we did'nt have weird trannies living next door to us, lowering the value of our property. perhaps in some way her stoicism and repartee have brushed of on to me. I was asked once if wearing girls clothes realy made me feel like a woman, ''If it did'nt, I would be walking round with holes in my trouser pockets, playing with my balls and feeling a dick head. all day'' There will always be instances in peoples lives when on reflection they think, whish I have said this or that . After I had my surgery, I met a boy I had been to school whith, straight out he asked me if I could now take 12 inches, crooking my little finger and wagging it in his face, I said ''The thought of having sex with you three times would be ultimately dissapointing'' As people gain more confidence, living the life, they will learn to give no credence to inane and ill thought out retorts and comments.
I prefer to be called by the pronoun "Plaintiff."
Cristine, Shye BL said:Robin one must have a sarcastic sense of humour......, I met a boy I had been to school whith, straight out he asked me if I could now take 12 inches, crooking my little finger and wagging it in his face, I said ''The thought of having sex with you three times would be ultimately dissapointing'' As people gain more confidence, living the life, they will learn to give no credence to inane and ill thought out retorts and comments.
I am Older and my hair has turned natrually gray----a beautiful gray--yea
I do have an androgynous haircut, but not feminine.
I get mam a lot even when they are looking at my credit card with a male name.
I just treat it as normal, thank them and keep doing my thing.
I think LOT of it depends it you are feeling Masculine or Feminine====Feel it and see what happens
I don't get sir'd in person, but on occasion I will on the phone. I don't say anything sarcastic. Instead I will make a simple correction telling them "It's ma'am." Most will apologize and say ma'am afterwards. If she feels she must say something, suggest she says, "It's ma'am, and you are welcome." And don't forget to smile.
For me, the less you say, the more powerful you become!
HEY, if it works, who cares,
Happy Holidays,
True AJ!
If I ever get "sir". I just giggle and roll my eyes upward and move on...although not too long ago at a restaurant, when the server "sir'd" me, I proceeded to knock my plate onto the floor and spill my drink! Quite a lovely mess at that! LOL Then I just apologized and got up and left w/o paying! (smile) nobody followed me or said anything.
But it is best not to make a scene...why draw unwanted attention to yourself for most people never notice a thing!
Traci xoxo
I loved the knock the drink and plate off!! Brillant.
Holiday Blessings,
In this case, two wrongs made a right! LOL