• 112 posts
    March 21, 2006 6:13 PM GMT
    Hia all, i'm now the proud co-owner of a s/h clothes/accessories shop in glastonbury, somerset, and extend a warm welcome to the members here, and other trannies elsewhere...
    So now i have a BIG wardrobe.......fab.....!!!
    With Katie's permission I'd like to say who and where we are, if so Katie, let me know here. don't want to break your advertising rules hon......
    And soon as the websites done i'll advertise properly here too, need bit more time...

    Also I would like to suggest a tweb membership card discount scheme for retailers so members get to know where proactive retailers are, with a small simple window sticker we could also show our support to the transgendered community and be easily found.....

    Benefits for tweb..... members get more for their money, tweb gets stickers on the street with its contact details somewhere on it, so encouraging membership, tweb gets "retailer support" from positive word of mouth to customers., tweb gets more paying members hopefully, tweb members know shop is "ok", maybe also economical to implement for tweb. tweb members get discounts........tweb gets link on retailers web sites, too .....

    Benefits for retailers.......wider transgendered audience and better sales through better advertising, more linkages to the transgendered community, could pitch for "awards" from online votes from members. Economical way of increasing turnover, widens the choice of stock kept possibly also, and to cater for services not yet thought of........diversification into trannie related markets an easier real choice in reality for straight retailers too maybe...retailers could apply online, and get a little section on tweb for them to supply contact details and such....... and get the "tw-friendly" sticker for their window....with tweb's approval maybe?
    Is this a good idea?
    Any comments and suggestions welcome. also designs for window stickers
    over to you.....
    love and light
    dressed up right?

    • 773 posts
    March 21, 2006 7:15 PM GMT
    Sounds like you have some good ideas to make it happen Natalie. Naturally, Trannyweb is here to assist with advertising, promotion and anything else your little heart desires.
    • 83 posts
    March 30, 2006 12:03 PM BST

    Sounds great and hopefully you wont be as expensive as those "made for TGs" shops!

  • March 30, 2006 1:07 PM BST

    Sounds like you have it well covered. Hopefully it works out well for you!!! Sounds like it will be a nice place! Good luck in you're venture!

    • 2127 posts
    March 30, 2006 2:48 PM BST
    Hi Natalie,

    You're welcome to mention the name of your shop here in the forums, although if you want some real results I would suggest that you actually advertise with us properly. That would get you into the Tranny Tribune which is sent out each month to the whole membership.

    Glastonbury is certainly an interesting place for this venture. The town certainly need to be re-invented. I hear that there are many plans for giving it a makeover in the coming months and years so maybe it should be reborn as the tranny centre of the southwest.

    Manchester and even London are a long way to go, as our members in Somerset, Dorset, Devon and Cornwall, will testify.

    Good luck.


    Katie x
    • 2573 posts
    March 31, 2006 5:01 AM BST
    I love the idea of TG-friendly stickers in shop windows, maybe with a contact phone number if they want you to arrange a time to shop before/after normal hours. (ok, i know, it shouldn't matter, but some shops and some girls might prefer it) I bet a lot of members would be willing to check out shops and contact them, say by mail (less time consuming and costly), or in person, asking if they want to be added to a TG-friendly list of businesses and display such a sticker. The TW pendant design would be a good choice, relatively subtle but distinctive. Some businesses might prefer it to a large sign saying "Transgender Friendly". I think it would bring more business to the stores and make TW more visible to more TGs, and it might generate some advertising for TW from stores. We have a GLBT yellow pages in Los Angeles. There might be similar business listings in other cities. They could be a good starting place for "recruiting" businesses. There are many businesses we know are TG friendly, but the majority of TG folk are probably still alone and would welcome a widely-used symbol at "safe" businesses.