January 25, 2003 4:31 PM GMT
As far as not being constantly noticed, I think pass for the most part (at least I hope so), but you speak the truth. Chances are, most of us don't pass all of the time, possibly not even most of the time, when people take the time to really look.
I've seen most of those looks you listed, too - good descriptions. However, I have a few to add:
8. The "Ah, just another tranny" look from the jaded crowd. You don't even have to deal with this these types, but if you need change for a dollar or directions, these are the people to ask. They're too experienced and/or self-confident to worry about your appearance.
9. The "...and just who does Miss Thang think she is?" look from jealous fellow trannies. Just smile and move on. Consider it a compliment, but don't give anyone a reason to start a scene (or a catfight).
10. The "Oh, PA-LEEZE!" look from holier-than-thou trannies who are obviously unimpressed by your appearance. Multiple choice: You can cry, ignore the look, or steal her date and give her the same look afterwards. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/fashionlab/Images/Smileys/Laugh01.gif
11. The "Oh, my God! Yes, I know you're a tranny, but I love trannies, I think you're gorgeous, and I want you NOW and FOREVER!!!" starving zombie stare. Oddly enough, I don't get that look very often on the street. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/fashionlab/Images/Smileys/Wink01.gif
January 26, 2003 8:20 PM GMT
Me too also.The only number 11 I get comes with fried rice and mushrooms
