August 1, 2010 1:25 PM BST
It seems like everythings been covered but here's my 2 cents anyway.
If you shave consistently the issue with red bumps only lasts for a couple of weeks, it's just because your skin isn't used to the shaving. I had the same problem at first, but now hadly at all. I've used all of the different creams and they work ok but for me didn't last and I didn't like the concept of constantly using the cream for adding chemicals to my skin, or especially in those "hard to reach areas". Veet does seem to work a little better than Nair.
I shave in the shower usually with just soap, though the shaving gels seem to work better overall, but I shave my legs and underarms every soap works just fine and saves time. Typically a new razor will also make a huge difference but I change mine about once a week and use the higher end disposables and Skintimate gel and have good results. My own issue has been that even doing that I could never get my legs, or other areas to feel smooth and silky to the touch...always the feeling of stubble, though slight. I don't have a lot of body hair, yet I think mens hair is just more course so harder to eliminate. If I went a whole week without shaving the hair would not be noticable to the eye....but it drives me crazy because it is very noticable to me, and to the touch.
Waxing just seems very expensive, messy at home, and I haven't really tried it. In my opinion the epilator is the way to go. It works. Personally I don't think it is really painful, and the results are worth it. If you get one....shave your legs, etc maybe in the morning, so the hair isn't long. Then begin....use the epilator at night (bumps will be gone by morning) and epilate some every night for a week or two. This keeps the pain minimal because you're not yanking out a ton of longer hairs, it's gradual. After that you can go long periods in between but the course hair diminishs quickly. Yes, fine hairs are left behind but if you add a quick shave every couple of days...... I finally am getting close to having my legs FEEL smooth most of the time. And...instead of shaving every single day I can go weeks really, but don't mind giving things the "once over" every three four days just to keep things silky. Maybe it's not the same for everyone, but i think it eventually gives results similar to laser but instead of hundreds or thousands of dollars, I bought an epilator for 60.00 and only have to do a little bit of work in upkeep. After the initial month or two....epilate once a month maybe, shave lightly and quickly, once or twice a week and wellah! :-)
August 1, 2010 2:53 PM BST
Personally I think people toss their razors way to soon. You should be able to get weeks if not months from any razor. Shaving itself will not dull a blade, corrosion is what dulls blades. Rinsing your razor after use is the best thing for it because it will remove any foreign material that can hold moisture on the blade. Next is store it in such a manner that it will completely dry between uses. Many blade manufacturers apply a thin film on the blade for corrosion protection which prevents the best shave during the first use.
I find it interesting that some can shave and epilate the same day several times a week. I know my braun silk-epil also has a shaver to take the hair down to the best length for epilating, but maybe it is the hormones or just me, my leg hair doesn't grow fast enough to epilate more than once a week at best.
Something else I read in a woman's magazine was you should not soak more than five minutes before shaving. The reason for this is it opens skin pores up and exposes the more sensitive skin to the razor which can cause irritation. I also believe on most hair remover labels it mentions applying before showering. I think once again that is to protect the more sensitive skin from irritants.
Another possible aid is Dove antiperspirant/deodorant for sensitive skin. I was told it can prevent razor burn and I've read some stuff online agreeing and disagreeing with that.
August 1, 2010 7:48 PM BST
I use veet at this point for my arms, chest and legs because it gives such a smooth result.
For my armpits I use a razor. For my beard I'm going to undergo laser to have it removed permanently.
As Nikki stated this is a slow progress but so worthed.
For my pubes I wax and cut it short with a "trimmer" (not sure if that is the english word for an electrical machine that they also use to shorten hair on your head).
Eventually I will laser all my hair but it's tricky from what I read and not a good solution for everybody.
I was told by my doctor that the best results come from dark hair on a light skin which I luckily have.
So I'm using different methods for different parts of my body.
August 1, 2010 11:45 PM BST
This thread has been a very interesting read. I was born with a gorilla suit and I come out in blotches just looking at a razor.
Everyone has made lots of really good posts on the best methods they have developed for hair removal but for me the problem has always been skin rashes and blotchiness which occur regardless of which method I use. Marsha's comment about not soaking for more than 5 minutes seems like a good idea that I will adopt. The irritation wasnt something I was happy about so I looked into the reasons why the rashes and blotchiness occurs.
When the hair is cut it usually retracts slightly under the skin and hence why it feels smooth, creams do the same and epilators remove the hair from the root. The red blotches are caused when the hair is trying to poke its way out of the skin causing the skin irritation and hence how ingrown hairs are created. The redness is the swollen hair follicles and surrounding skin and boils can be nasty when the hair follicle becomes blocked.
The best method and probably the only method to prevent this is exfoliation. Exfoliation is the removal of the dead skin cells on the surface allowing the hairs to protrude with ease, which in turn reduces skin irritation to insignificant. Exfoliating gloves and sponges are dead cheep from supermarkets and giving yourself a really good rubdown in the shower everyday is not only very pleasurable and satisfying, your skin will also, with all the old dead cells removed, look so much more supple, younger looking with a healthy glow. Hopefully, red blotches will be a thing of the past.
January 16, 2007 2:03 PM GMT
I shave my legs all year round and found that they very quickly get used to it and there is no rash or bumps. I tend to do them when in a hot bath as well as this really helps and nowadays just use a leg razor and sensitive skin soap.
If you don't keep them hairfree all the time then this might not be the best method for you, it's just a matter of finding the one that suits you best.
January 29, 2007 12:18 PM GMT
I tried an epilator for a while but apart from being painful it still failed to get most of the hair out and took a long time. You never know until you try though.
January 30, 2007 8:02 PM GMT
Great! Creams are pretty useless as our hair tends to be tougher than GG's. Hair removed by epilation should take at least a couple of weeks to grow back. Glad that you've found a solution.
March 27, 2007 12:59 AM BST
This site has some good articles on basic Girlculture that women learn growing up. There's even an article on using makeup and how to dress starting with sixth grade into high school. It makes for a gradual learning curve for a t girl as well.
This article is on pubic shaving and addresses some of the complaints that our members have asked about in forum posts in the past.
December 31, 2007 1:43 AM GMT
Hi all,
I prefer just to shave. On my legs it lasts for a good week or so and on my arms a touch longer. My chest does'nt need it apart from, literally, a couple of stray hairs.
But I am blessed by not having an abundance of body hair and certainly not as badly masculine as some.
I do prefer to use female razors and shaving gels as these seem kinder to my skin. And also - oddly - give a far closer, smoother shave.
But, as has been said, it depends on your skin type I guess - and the coarseness of the hair!
Much love
Rae xx
December 31, 2007 8:16 AM GMT
Body hair has been a pain for me, so I am in the middle of getting everything lasered, but it is a slow process.
Like Rae, I use a womans razor and used to use a gel but now just use Dove soap and I have never had redness, bumps or itching, anywhere and it lasts about a week but I tend to shave twice a week in order to keep it all invisible anyhow. I know I have sensitive skin too so if it works for me........
As for the laser, I am nearly finished on my face, (I had a REALLY bad shadow), and will be starting on my chest next month. Personally I think a more permanent solution is the way to go, if you can afford it.
December 31, 2007 11:35 AM GMT
Double bass cream? What’s that, Porscha?
January 30, 2008 1:46 PM GMT
The last time my legs were shaved someone did it for me!
August 1, 2010 1:45 PM BST
Hi Jennifer,
My routine is similar to yours except the shaving part is done by the epilator. It's an Emjoi Elegant model that has three heads, epilator, shaver and exfoliator. I shower and afterward use the shaver. This leaves the skin visually hairless but I can feel the stubble. Next I epilate which leaves me about as hairless as I'm ever going to get. Finally, I use the the exfoliator to remove dry/dead skin and apply a moisturizer.
I have very little body hair and it is very fine and very light colored. I use the epilator once or twice a week (not much arm or leg hair anymore, I've been epilating for years and years.) The shaver and exfoliator whenever needed.
And by the way, welcome to the TGS Forums.
August 7, 2010 10:44 PM BST
i have never owned a razor.Don't All jump on me at once, I have a condition called Reifensteins syndrome. Never had any body hair or facial hair....No its not contageouse otherwise I would be bottling it and selling it........making a fortune. I found Veet good for underarms and used to use it on my genitals, prior to surgery, Once Cass persuaded me to let her wax my bikini line she did my scrotum as well
nearly ripping it off.......ouch.......bloody hell that was sore. Now I just wax my bikini line whats left of the hair down there.
I did sometimes get little blind boils using Veet. tends to make the hair grow inwards. I have heard tell that if you wear the same pair of pants for six months, lol, the hairs grow through the material and get ripped out when you pull your knickers off.
August 7, 2010 11:39 PM BST
Marsha, I do find that hormones have drastically reduced my body hair resulting in minimal shaving requirements of arms and legs.
Penny, I'm not entirely sure I can endorse this product but feel free to give it a go! Many people with very coarse hair - and I'm not suggesting you have - suffer with rashes and 'razer bumps' etc. Sometimes incredibly painfull - I speak from experience! So they often use a product called Magic Shaving Powder from SoftSheen-Carson. It's relatively cheap - in fact I have the best part of tinfull here I can send you no questions asked. The reason I'm not sure about championing its cause is not that it doesn't work, it does, it's just that it brings with it the most malodorous aroma. Far worse than when, some decades ago, I had to take medication for a bowel problem. This resulted in the Met Office issuing air pollution warnings for wherever I went. There are very good reasons why I have nicknamed this substance The Devils Poo...! But, what the heck, give it a go. Just open your windows first ok?
Cristine, I'll pass on the knicker method if you don't mind...
Best wishes