The one which I recommend is by Melanie Anne Phillips - it is very reasonably priced and you get both video and audio files (I transferred the audio files to a CD so that I can practice in the car)
Her web site is here:
and you can hear a demonstration of her voice here:-
maybe being soft spoken will maybe help?
My voice has always been a real problem. I try and speak softly but I sometimes lapse into my "man" voice which has caused a few raised eyebrows!
It is not just about softness, the main element in creating an authentic female voice is not primarily about pitch, it is about timbre (or resonance)
I would seriously urge you to reconsider that - it is very risky surgery and the success rate is nowhere near high enough. Many people who have undertaken that route have really regretted their decision to have it as their voices were completely ruined by it - and no amount of voice therapy afterwards helped.
Carol Uren (Moderator) said:I would seriously urge you to reconsider that - it is very risky surgery and the success rate is nowhere near high enough. Many people who have undertaken that route have really regretted their decision to have it as their voices were completely ruined by it - and no amount of voice therapy afterwards helped.
Try speaking with a higher tone, but without going to high, because a squeeky voice is not so pleasant. You can do this by controlling your glottis. The position of the glottis is important because it controls how much air will pass by, so when we shout the glottis lets more air pass through. If the glottis is closed, then more air is forced through and the voice will sound deep and masculine. So by speaking quieter but not a full whisper, we can easily higher the tone, and reduce the resonance. taken from this page: feminine voice