banking in with a femme name

    • 2 posts
    February 12, 2007 6:30 AM GMT
    Has anyone found any good ways to open up bank accounts and credit cards in a femme name? Please share. I don't know how you can do it without a social security number.

    • 2 posts
    February 13, 2007 5:44 AM GMT
    Thanks - that is great advice! I didn't even think of adding another person to my credit card - I'll do that.
    I don't want to change my name so no deed poll (or whatever we have in the US) for me.
    Does anyone have any other ideas?

    • 30 posts
    July 19, 2007 4:29 AM BST
    The ideas about credit cards here in the US are all good. I have a couple of gas cards and one VISA card in my femme name by just having extra cards added. I also have a PayPal account registered to my femme name.
    Something I am considering is taking out a business license for a business named after my femme self. I could then get a business checking account with that name printed on the checks, and could also add my femme signature as an "approved signature" for the account. I am not positive that this will work, but I think it will.
    • 1652 posts
    February 12, 2007 1:51 PM GMT
    The situation differs in England, so this might not help much…
    To open a bank account in your femme name here you just have to change your name by deed poll, which is totally free, something you can do yourself, and very easy. If you don’t wish to legally change your name though I’m not sure if it’s possible.
    As for credit cards though, I think it’s the same in the states, most (if not all) credit card companies will allow you to add an additional cardholder to the account and will issue a card in that name. I did this before I changed my name just so I could go shopping en femme and not have to pay with a male-named credit card. No proof of identity was required for the extra card, no details at all in fact; I just rang them up, asked for another card with the name Lucy on, and that was that. In other words the name on the card doesn’t have to be a “real” person – you can call yourself whatever you like and shop ‘til your heart’s content. You’ll still receive your bills in your male name; purchases from both cards will appear on the same bill. Easy-peasy!
    For the benefit of our English sisters: Contrary to popular belief, changing your name by deed poll IS free. There are plenty of companies online who will provide the wording of the deed for a fee (anything from £5 - £50, you can even get it on ebay), but there is no specific wording as such; it just has to make particular declarations. If anyone would like a legally-binding deed poll for their own use I will happily provide a copy for free. My deed poll has enabled me to change my details in every aspect of my life, including changing my title to “Miss” with no questions asked. Bank accounts, driving licence, utilities, national insurance (your NI number stays the same) and so on. I have a new passport too, but to change your gender on this you will need a letter from a qualified person (gender clinic, private therapist or maybe GP) unless of course you already have your Gender Recognition Certificate, which gives you legal status as a woman and allows you to get a new birth certificate issued which states that you were born female.
    It’s all surprisingly easy.
    • 2573 posts
    July 18, 2007 2:56 PM BST
    I simply open my accounts with my initials and last name instead of using my full first name. Androgenous card. However I do intend to have additional debit and credit cards issued to my "gf" Wendy. I actually have my SO on my accounts so she can access my money in an emergency, but she doesn't have a copy of my card.
    • 2627 posts
    July 18, 2007 3:22 PM BST
    Karen has both a credit card & a debit card. The UPS driver is sure I live with her. We are very close.