January 31, 2010 6:17 AM GMT
Congrats my dear..
I can remember well, the first night I got in my car (away from the warm, dark, safety of my front porch) and went for a drive - praying the whole time that I would not be stopped by a police officer who had "nothing better to do" on his shift.
One and a half years later, I was skating on the Ottawa Canal in the cutest ladies skating outfit you ever saw- complete with fur trim, fur hat and matching muffs, and "tastefully coordinated" scarf.
Can you imagine the lump in my throat when I opened the local paper and saw my photo attached to a story about the Joys of the "Ottawa Winter Festival".
Fortunately for me, the Photographer did not decide to get a face shot of the "Lady skating on the Ice"
Many Happy Returns Samantha!
January 20, 2010 11:21 PM GMT
Speaking from experience, once you go out as you truly are you will never want to go back.
My first time out was in the month of February. While there was no snow on the ground at the time, it was still interesting to watch out for ice, especially since I was in Denver at the time!
January 25, 2010 5:57 PM GMT
The genie is out of the bottle.....................and you cannot ever put her back again, but you wouldn't want to anyway! Congratulations on you first step.