• 83 posts
    June 8, 2003 12:29 PM BST
    This is a fantastic site for undies ladies! There are so many designs to choose from that you will be come obsessed with buying like me! Order their catalogue to get some fantastic ideas though this will only scrap the surface of what they have to offer. Even if you are not buying the site is a real turn on to look at . I know many of you buy from Tranny stores because the undies fit our "special" needs better, but I like to wear undies that are designed for woman as I love wearing woman’s clothes not men’s . Beware Huit though as this particular brand comes up smaller than the normal sizes - I wear size 14 (UK) panties but the shorties I bought were quite tight! You will be told of the various bargain deals if you subscribe to their email letter.

    Delivery in the UK is quick and the packets are not too indiscreet.
