August 8, 2003 9:34 AM BST
Well, in my country we all are either women or men in our documents. The end of our social security number tells the same. So, I must change not only my name, but also my social security number. And apply that the former info would be kept in secrecy.
But to reach all that I must still first get my diagnosis, then my official HRT (my present illegal HRT will probably not be counted), then a paper from a doctor saying I have lost my fertility for good. After that I can apply for the name change. If all goes well...after one years or so. Or later.
August 8, 2003 7:29 PM BST
Sounds like it is complicated to change over your documents there. You realy need a letter from your doctor to change your name. Here it is your right to call yourself whatever you want which makes it easy. You don't need a doctors letter until you try to change your sex on your birth certificate etc.. but to get this done you have to have had SRS unless you can pay off a doctor to lie for you. I'm always interested in anything from the norwiegen countrys my mother is from Sweden and I've never been there.