March 8, 2004 7:51 PM GMT
dear girls to me the hardest place to pass is in new york city.every wednesday night i go to my cd meeting and as i live in the burbs i usually take the subway into town,now i have been getting dressed at home and riding to the station and leaving my car parked and taking the subway to the city.all while dressed as my femme self.most of the time i just walk through the streets looking into shops along the way and then boarding my train ,some times i get a stare but as in new york everyone is in a hurry and nobody pays any attention to another woman riding into the city.i even was given a seat by a gentleman as the car was crouded and it made me feel real special.when i get to my stop i just get out and walk the few blocks to our meeting but i have started going into the shops along the way and looking at the new fashions well thats all for now love to all phylis anne