July 30, 2002 2:59 AM BST
Sarah, like you, I'm "super-conscious" about being out there, even though I've done it for... what, has it already been 15 years, now... since my first time out in public? Anyway, Donna is right about the confidence factor. The more casual you are, the more you fit in. Unfortunately, we know the truth, and that can make us paranoid, if we let it. Being nervous while in drag is always a bad thing, so I just try to stay focused on my reason for being out. When I'm with a female girlfriend, I feel much more comfortable, because I have someone to do the talking, and I generally feel less conspicuous.
Unfortunately, I can't really compare the differences between going out as a girl vs. a guy very well, because I have long hair, and, even when I'm in "male mode," I get stares. I guess that means I should be used to it, but I'm not.
July 22, 2002 6:04 PM BST
I had my worst times of being read when I used a wig.
Now I just go out in a t-shirt and jeans and I'm called
"Mam" when I go out to eat with my 16 year old daughter
and mom.
It's now few and far between and I hear someone call
me "sir". I guess that's why I like going out to the
swimming pools is that I seem to pass so easily. And
I remember the first time en feem in a women's restroom
my legs shook so hard I couldn't keep them still.
July 22, 2002 1:10 AM BST
People's reactions vary to a tranny in their midst.
I've been escorted out of places before, in less enlightened times!
The country pub sounds like a lot of fun, but reminds me of the scene in Priscilla Queen of the desert. When the obvious drag queen is not read until her bicep swelling when lifting her drink gives her away to the very rural types. Or maybe the doffing of tweed caps would ensue once they get to know you?
July 21, 2002 8:49 AM BST
Hi Donna
I always try to avoid dogs and their owners. Sometimes it's difficult to ignore the dogs. If you pet them or have to shoo them away then it's always likely to lead to conversations.
As for the Lunchtime Country Pub test, I'll give that a miss, probably for ever. But girl, you must have balls, even if you do hide them away. ;D