Hip & Bum Pads

    • 43 posts
    September 18, 2011 7:38 AM BST

    Hi Girls,


    Can anyone recommend some good products?


    Also does anyone know of anything that doesn't look like industrial 1950's foundation wear? Or alternatively know someone who could make something that has a design and possibly something less boring?


    I'm currently using an extra padded Rago item that has slots for hip and bum which is my own concoction.


    Any ideas appreciated.


    Chrissy x

  • September 19, 2011 11:03 AM BST

    I've never seen any that don't  look like "industrial 1950's" the least industrial Ive ever had were from Hide & Sleek.  They almost looked like a normal pair of knickers.  The most effective were from Fredericks of Hollywood.  They give a nice shape under a tight skirt.