Wanna a wig, then try Glamorous Front Lace Wigs

    • 109 posts
    January 24, 2013 2:58 PM GMT
    I decided couple of years ago, to put Suzy away as my sight was getting worse and decided to throw away several items, which included my wig.  Last autumn, I decided that I couldn't live without Suzy anymore and decided to bring her out again.  
    This meant that I had st starting buying several things again, which included a new wig.  This meant to ahve a look online for shops in Birmingham which are at least TG friendly shops, where I can not only buy one but hopefully get some advice on how to maintain it.
    I eventually found one site, which is http://www.glamorousfrontlacewigs.com/.  The person I emailed online arranged an appointment, so I can go in and have a chat with her.  I had a look at several other sites for ideas for styles and such and then I went into the shop in Birmingham.  Damm I was a bit nervous by going in but the lady, Fallon was her name, was very friendly and helpful and I found that she had several other TG customers.
    Anyway, I had to back to get the wig and it''s a brilliant wig and if I nned anymore help, which I will, then I can easily contact her and she can help me, even including styling the wig and such.
    I would recommend this shop to anyone in the West Midlands.