Recent Entries

  • Using public loos................and not what you might think

    The problem I have been having these last six months is which ones to use when I am trying to be male. I wrote about that in a previous blog. Anyway, the problem has gotten worse (?) since now without any make up/boobs etc I still get odd looks when I step into the gents, so I try to use the disable...
  • One down, one to go!

    Sugeries that is.I had to fly back to the UK last week for my eye operation, (really tiring on the arms that), and I'm please to say that everything seems to have gone very well. The surgeon was lovely and told me I had pretty eyes and she would do a good job to make them even prettier, aww, how swe...
  • The Switch

    I had to collect my family from the airport on sunday and as it was such a lovely day decided to wear a nice denim mini and expose my legs to the sun for the first time this year. (Well, I hate pale legs). I got there a little early and had a little lunch before going up on the terrase to watch the ...
  • Ach angeo fatt itudeo nt hefo rums

    So wese eth ret urno fa cert ainper sonw ho alw aysg oesout ofh erw ayto ups et andan noy eve ryo ne. Wh ydowe all owherb ack? Si nce sh ehas cho sento atta ck mep erson ally, Iwi ll ed itall he rpos ts tha teith eratt ack som eone ora reno trelev ant tot he thr ead. Asamod I don tthin k tha tis abu...
  • FFS is go for June!

    Despite being pretty tired tonight, I am extremely happy since I have just got back from the UK where I had a consultation with the surgeon who is going to give me a nice new feminine nose! After explaining the kind of thing I was looking for and showing him some examples, he discussed the realistic...
  • What a dilemma........

    My lovely wife, being such a wonderful person, knows what pain I am going through in not being able to transition fully, or even live full time. To be fair, she never signed up for this and I love her to bits and I don’t see my life without her. However, the other day she said, (in tears), that if I...
  • Oww!!

    Laser again, yippee but ow! I have a stubborn area on my face which is still undergoing treatment and I am now getting it zapped twice in succession, twice the pain, hopefully twice the gain too! God the second one hurts!! Being a complete sucker for punishment, I immediately had a chest zapping aft...
  • Missed surgery!!!

    Arrrggghh!!! I received a letter yesterday asking if I could attend an appointment for surgery on my eye on the 26th March, but lacking the ability to time travel I called them to say I wouldn't make it!! Anyway, I now have a date in early May so it wasn't all bad. A little frustrating knowing it co...
  • Strange weather

    I don't get it. Last week when I was busy hiking and camping there was snow everywhere and temperatures of -7. Great, I thought, I can get some skiing in next week. I even checked the ski slopes and all but two of them were operational. Marvellous!Wrong! Fast forward two days and the temperature soa...
  • A proper gentleman......

    That's the only way I can describe Keith Adams. We met up yesterday while he was over in Germany so partly out of curiosity and his forum posts I wanted to try to meet him. I'm not going to go into any detail and bore you all with the day we had together, suffice to say that it was wonderful. We wen...