Recent Entries

  • That's about how I feel.I went back to work today. I'm happy about getting the money flowing again, but I just wish I could do it with out working. They did seem happy I was back though. I was not happy with the way they had let things go while I was out. They said they were to busy to keep up with ...
  • Did my first rehab for my arm today. It feels good to be able to move it without pain. This doctor I saw last Thur isn't the same one I saw in Jan. I wish I had seen this one first. The first one took a very passive approch. He gave me a shot & said to rest it, than start doing some streatches. ...
  • After a long hot shower & 3 cups of coffee I'm starting to feel human again. But still hung over.About a week ago I was taking out trash & waved to a lady sitting on her porch. After I got back in she knocked on my door & gave me a bottle of spumanti. We introduced ourselves & talked...
  • I just read a post from someone that said at the start she didn't understand the topic. She wasn't kidding. But I can understand her desire to help in some way. For that I commend her.I did some more painting here & got the bathroom done. I was afraid it wouldn't cover. The walls looked allmost ...
  • MY Shrink Lied

    When my shrink told me again thatĀ I was going to be able to start HRT she was only wanting to see how I would react. I feel as if she just likes pulling my strings to make me jump. I have no more appointments with her.
  • Allmost noon but I have coffee coming.StillĀ painting here. Put the under coat in the hall yesterday. It covered nicely so I'm calling that done. Just a plain flat white, but it's the hall who cares. So I'm starting the bathroom today & allready have some of the edging done.I have lots of time si...
  • A True StorieI went to get my hair cut yesterday. I pretty much go to the same place all the time. As I was heading for a chair the girl that was going to cut it said I allways wear the coolest shirts & wished her boyfriend would dress like me. I sat down & she asked me were I get my clothes...
  • So I know I'm making this move sound realy bad but it realy wasn't. I have my own home now not a rentel. My clothes no longer have to share space with the drap work clothes. I keep them in seperate rooms.There's a girl that lives next door that is so fine I love watching her walk out to her car. She...
  • Ok so I finely have all my stuff at my new home. Now where do I put it. As I kept finding stuff for the kitchen I had do reorganize at least 4 times. My sister came over to help & just put things where she thought they should go. To me it was so scattered I had a hard time finding anything when ...
  • Home from work, showerd & I ate. Now let me talk about moving. I hate it!!! I never want to do it again.I thought I'd get a head start by packing up a bunch of stuff early. But than I had to go through boxes to find somethings I still needed. Than theres all the stuff you'll know you still need ...