Recent Entries

  • Back On The Net

    Was going to post something but Nortons was giving me a hard time of it. Now that I got it working it's time for bed.I'm just glad to be back here I've missed you all.
  • Will be off line tomorrow untill ???Since I have a week before moving in I'm going to paint. Who ever lived there before did the rooms in a gross dark green. I like my rooms to be light. If I ever feel the need to sit in the dark I can go sit in the basement. My sisters called & said thier comin...
  • I got my condo & was going to start moving things today but it's raining so I'll wait untill tomorrow. I'm just going to take some boxes to get started. I was wanting to move in this weekend but I can't get my power on untill Monday. Than I can turn on my gas & water. Than I can move in. Fin...
  • Closing Monday on my new home.I have to get all the utillities turned on there & turned off here. I can start tacking small loads over in my car a couple boxes at a time. Like all my clothes. I'm getting a lot of offers from people at work to help move. Thier good people & I do like them but...
  • I GOT MY MORTGAGE!!!Yes Yes Yes!!! I own something again.I'll close early next week. I move in on the weekend.
  • MY life in a box!!I have been backing up some boxes of stuff so I can take my time. I've filled 9 boxes so far & it doesn't look as though I put a dent in it yet. I moved in here with next to nothing. This is a small apartment. Where did all this crap come from? I still haven't packed up the thi...
  • The word female comes from the Latin femella, the diminuative form of femina, meaning 'woman', which is not actually related to the word 'male.' The word was probably originally femella, meaning "young girl". In the late 14th century, the English spelling was altered so that the word paral...
  • Be Patient My Ass!!!I am not able to be patient. I have OCD. So to wait for something kills me. In the 10yrs I've worked at where I am I have not once been late. In fact most days I'm at least 30min early. If a person picking me up is late I will never ask that person for another ride or I will do t...
  • Am I blogging to much about things not tranny?My money came yesterday for the closing on the condo. It's been a long time since I held that much at once. When I was in buissness for myself it was a daily occurence. There's been a lot of changes in my life. Anyway, I but it in my checking I'd like to...
  • Couldn't put this in the forums.

    THIS is TRUE: 24 February 2008        Copyright IT TO THE JUDGE: Police in Manchester, N.H., were investigating an   accident. The driver admitted he had been drinking at a local gay bar,   gotten ...