Recent Entries

  • Good Morning Girls!!Well March looks like a month of new things for me. I pick up a new car this morning. A 2008 Impala, funny but I'm doing it to get a cheeper payment, allmost a hundred buck a month cheeper. Which runs about evan with what I'll be paying more a month to get the condo.I can't stop ...
  • Just Bought a Condo

    The bank has excepted my offer. We'll do the closing in a couple of weeks.WOW!! I just spent a lot of money$$$
  • This has been a very busy week.But it looks like I've found the condo I want. It looks new inside & out built in 2002. One level ranch with a basement. It comes with all new appliances with the washer & dryer on the main floor so running up & down the stairs. A good size kitchen with lot...
  • I love fresh ground coffee!The condo hunt goes slow. The realtor said he had some for me to look at so we went out yesterday. What a load of crap he showed me. All needed a lot of work before you could move in or were not what I wanted at all. One was real sweet but it was 1 bedroom. I want 2 so I c...
  • A need to spout off!!!!!!When I decided I wanted a new place to live I had a set amount of money I would spend a month. Well they keep trying to get me to commit to twice that. I getting very very pissed. They say that I have the money but it's not for them to spend it for me. I want to still have m...
  • If you've been reading my blogs lately you know I've been very confused about what direction I want my life to go. On the one hand I'm very lonely & on the other I love being Karen. I don't know if I can live with the one & not the other. But something needs to change so I want to start with...
  • On my second cup & feeling better today.Thanks for the comments. But I ment what I said if I have to let Karen go to meet someone I can be with than so be it. I'm lonely & TW can not fill that void. It's a site with wonderfull people that I care about so much it's not funny. But words on a m...
  • I know I'm adding to this blog a lot lately but I feel a need to say this stuff.I go back to work today after 3weeks off. In that time not a thread of mens clothing has touched me & I don't want to wear any now. But I have to. I have to fit in evan though I don't. I'm not a man & I'm not a w...
  • Good Morning! This will be short.Back at the doctors yesterday about my elbow. He gave me a shot right where the pain is. He said it's put off unless they have to as you can only get 2 in a life time. But when I woke up this morning I had no pain at all. He gave me a list of ways to rahab it at home...
  • Good Morning Girls!!Mandy's post about why some trannys dress the way they do got me to thinking about the way I've dressed over the years. Being so deep in the closet I didn't get to dress a lot & when I did I didn't have a lot of clothes to pick from. At first I wore my sisters clothes. I outg...