Recent Entries

  •  You know he's reaching for $!!!So I went to see the surgen yesterday to get a date for fixing my hernia. But he wants to do something else first & I have to wait a month before he can do it. I'm not sitting here that long off work just waiting. So if I can get ahold of the beautifull doctor I'l...
  • Today is the day.I find out today if I have to move or not. I'm going to see if I can get what $ I need by claiming a hardship on my 401. My apartment manager wanted to start eviction last month when he thought I was going to be late. So evan if I get the money I don't know how long it will take to ...
  • Posting again.I know I've been posting a lot lately but it seems to help.First I want to say I'm sorry if my posting about debts has offened a friend. I don't want money to come between us. There are times that I think to much & start feeling sorry for myself. Selfpity is not a good trait & ...
  • Due to my current med problems the bank turned me down. When my sister called she said she could help. She came over lastnight & offered to give me $400 for my TV, 2 computers, & my stereo. Thats not enough to help me out of my spot & she won't sell them back to me later. My family has c...
  • Keli's comment

    Keli's comment about why don't I seek help from some of the programs offered.I do have a job & I can get short term disability which I have applied for. But you have to be off 8 days before it starts. I've been missing a lot of days while the docs tried to figger out what was wrong. But I wasn't...
  • On my second cup & I can allready see straight.Am going to try the bank for a loan to get money. If I can get it, it will take a big weight off my mind. But not holding my breath.Time for a refill.OK now for the stuff that matters, my nails.I have been working on keeping them looking nicer. That...
  • Living with fear.Is not a easy way to live. I am so worried about whats going on in my life that I can't think of anything alse. I have a hard knot in my stomoch that has kept me home for 3 days. No work means NO MONEY!!!The doctors won't treat it untill they know the cause. They know what, just not...
  • Doctors & other things.I saw a doctor last Thur that is one of the most beautifull women I have ever seen. She's eastern, India, long brown hair almond brown eyes, soft features, & about 5 & a half feet tall. She was all smiles as we talked. But I was there to see her as a doctor so I di...
  • Feeling much better this morning!Went to see a new doctor yesterday. There was a little mix up as they told me he had cancelled all his appointments. After about 15min they found another doc to see me. OMG she was beautifull & I do mean beautifull. I'm to have another test on the 27th of this mo...
  • Running a little late this morning.I like to drink a beer or 2 some days after work. Lastnight it became 7 beers. I feel awfull. Not doing that again for a long time.I've been trying to take better care of my nails. Filing them into shape & not clipping much. Well they started chipping on the ed...