Recent Entries

  • My rent is paid!!The money came from a suprising place. WORK! The big boss was on the floor yesterday & asked how I was doing, so I told him. Later he was back on the floor again. He slipped me an envelope he said will help a little. A check for $300. He told me to think of it as a small bonus.W...
  • Should I stay or should I go.After my apartment manager said I had to be on time with the rent or he'd start eviction I panicked. My medical troubles have got me in a hole money wise. But by law he has to give me some time to get things together. So evan if I am evicted I won't be on the street. I w...
  • Sunday morning & I can't sleep!I opened up the back of my hand at work reaching into a rack. 8 stiches but it never did hurt. I think I'm getting use to it as I get small cuts at least once a week.When I have a day coming & can anticipate getting all dressed up I look forward to it. But when...
  • Had to go see my doctor again yesterday to go over the ultra-sound. Nothing showed up so he's passing me on to another doctor. My first meeting with him or her is Sep 7th. Untill we can find the cause I just have to put up with the pain.I was talking to one doctor on Mon & he had me lift my shir...
  • August?I didn't just turn off the air I closed the windows. Yesterday was both cold feeling & very wet. Felt like fall.Julie knocked on my door yesterday. I was wearing a long skirt set & said the hell with it. When I opened the door she walked in closed the door & started undressing. We...
  • Back to Square 1

    The test showed no gallstones. My symptoms are text book.I don't know what to do or think now.
  •  At the doctors again!Went to get my test results yesterday about the stones but they didn't turn out so I have to go back today & redo them. I just want to get this over with but it seems to go on & on.I was told that there is still no sign of the Hep-C. But!!! They found a second spot on m...
  • Adding on to what I started yesterday.After doing some research I found that the operation for removing my gallblader is a simple one. Only a one day stay at the hospital. I went to & found the whole thing in simple terms I can understand. That realy helped to put my mind at ease. ...
  • Still on my first cup so this may take me awhile.Back not to long ago I was in the hospital. The doctors told me it was a complication from the surgury I had. I passed that on to Mere & she passed that on to all of you. Well the doctors were wrong. They were only looking at one area insted of th...
  • I Blushed

    I was reading when my doorbell rang so I answerd it. It was a nieghbor lady came to tell me where we were at on getting security lights installed.As she was talking she started smiling. Then I saw her looking down. So I looked down & I realized my toenails are a very bright shiny purple. I BLUSH...