Recent Entries

  • There's a gg that lives down at the end apartment. She has been having trouble with someone trying to get into her apartment. Cut screens, cracked windows. Than it got worse. Someone slit her tires & her little kitten was taken when they did get the window open a few inches. Well it turns out th...
  • Got shocked at work

    Was having trouble at work with a relay in one of the controllers. I unplugged it so I could change it out. My boss saw the plug on the floor & thought that was why it wasn't working, so he plugged it in. I don't remember getting shocked but I do remember getting up. They made me go to the hospi...
  • Strong stuff today!!We were so busy installing all the electrical wiring that we had to let R program the robots into & out of the presses. Robot 3 (may she rest in peace) was killed. R is now looking for a new job. We replaced 3 with an older one from storage, re-programed & moved on. Well ...
  • I think this is a 3 cup morning!I got my extra work done & should have the new cell running today. Kept finding things that had to be changed or moved. Evan had to move a press back 6in. Lost half a day with that. But I still got time at home to read the new Harry Potter book. Had it preorderd &...
  • Coffee's not helping today.Having missed so much work I'm way behind. I have untill friday to get an order ready to ship. I'm only half done with programing the cell. Hope to get it done on wensday, proof it out on thursday morning & run it that night. It all depends on how many things have to b...
  • Just random thoughts todayI start back to work tomorrow. The room stopped spinning on me. That's good but I've been Karen 24/7 for a week & a half. I'm not looking forward to putting on my heavy work clothes. I can't wear ladies jeans they are so much thinner that if I brushed the edge of a roof...
  •                                    On my second cup of coffee so I can do this now.When I was at the doctor having my ears checked out I noticed he kept looing at the shirt I had on. If I had boobs I'd have been insulted or maybe not. I was wearing a white polo top & bergundy knit slacks. He did...
  •                                       I haven't worked this week because of an inner ear problem. As I sit here it feels as though I'm moving backwards. The doctor says theres a chip of some kind floating around inside causing it. All I can realy do for now is wait & take meds for motion sicknes...
  •                                     So I've allready had my coffee, so what! I have to leave for work shortly & I feel like spouting off a little.We're tearing down another cell today, but we haven't finished setting up the first one yet. This is so stupid. I get paid anyway. But I don't get any...
  •                                           I decided to let my sister look. I was wearing black slacks & a white sleeveless polo shirt. She smiled but didn't say anything. We went through all the medical bills I've been getting & found a couple of mistakes. 1 for allmost $300. This took close...