Recent Entries

  • Got MY test Done

    I got my test done Friday morning. I don't want to do that again. They stuck a tube in my behind & started pumping in dye. That reay is not a good feeling. Then told me I had to hold it in. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!  They had me turning this way & that while they took xrays. Then they sat me up & ...
  • Some Good News

    I saw my doctor today. I have 1 test on Friday then surgery next Thursday. I thought this test would be a snap untill I saw the word "enema". He says it's only a precaution to check for a leak. But if it helps me get rid of this bag they can look as deep as they want. Also I don't have to ...
  • Another bad night. Thats all I have anymore. 1 hr of sleep. I'm starting to lose it. I bumped into my fan by the bedroom door, it will never work again. This has got to stop.
  • Ready to Scream

    If I don't get some sleep tonight I don't know what I'm going to do. I felt so tired so I went to bed only to just lay there again. It's like everything bothers me, the bandages, my shirt, the pillow. I feel like I'm ready to cry I'm just so tired of it.On the good side the money I was expecting fro...
  • I fell asleep for 2 whole hrs!!!!
  • Allmost 3:30 in the morning & I can't get to sleep. This has been going on all week. When I do finely sleep it's only for 3 maybe 4 hrs. I started to go get some beer earlier I guess I should have. I don't know if I should go ahead & make some coffee & wait for the paper or try to go bac...
  • Feeling Different

    Sorry my last post was so down. I don't like selfpity but that is how I was feeling at the time. When I'm like that I shouldn't post but I need to get it out somehow. Mere called soon after to talk. We both say whats on our minds & then talk about other things. I allways feel better afterwords. ...
  • Lost Faith

    Things are realy getting tuff money wise. I have bills I can't pay. May lose phone & cable. My family said money is coming but nothing came. A friend has said the samething but nothing came. I will never lend out money again. I did it when they were in need. Now I'm in need but I guess thats to ...
  • After 2 days of feeling like crap, not sleeping or eating. I remember when I felt this before. It's drug withdrawl. I stopped taking the pain meds 3 days ago. I did only use them as it said to but I was warned. It was very strong stuff. With my history I realy need to be carefull. I go back in the h...
  • Will I teach?

    I was talking with Mike the head of HR at work yesterday. He wants me to come back to work as soon as I can after the next operation to instruct. We're having a large influx of new employees. To do my set-ups I have to know how to do the work at every station. If I do the instruction they won't have...