Recent Entries

  • Another Day

    Anna & Tiina thank you for the birthday greetings. Tiina for those that don't know the name use to be a member here. We have stayed in touch after she left, she's a good friend.My sister called yesterday & asked if I've ever had a worse birthday because of the crap I'm going through. At firs...
  • Friends Here at TW

    I guess Mere let it be known in the chat how down I've been lately. I'm finding it harder & harder to keep myself up. Well my phone started ringing. I got calles from Michelle Lynn, Gloria, Mere, I got to talk with MA(long pause to wipe It ment a lot after reaching out to my sister ...
  • Thought I was going back to work on Monday. But my doctor put a 5lb weight limit on what I can do so they wont let me work. In person he told me different but now says he wont change it.From day one he never did what he said he would do. He at first said he would reverse my ostomy in March. Than sai...
  • I'm back home. I had gone to stay with my niece. My sister & her said they wanted to help me with the trouble I was having. I've been depressed wishing each day wonldn't evan start. I just saw no point in it. I know it has to do with my medical troubles, I'm just so tired. They made an appointme...
  • Just So Much on My Mind

    My doctor gave me something to help me sleep. It worked lastnight I fell asleep about & slept thru the night. Tonight I took one about 10 & I'm still awake at 1. So I just took another.This site used to be a lot more fun for me than it is now. Forums use to be a lot more active, I'm not real...

    I'm getting about 2hrs a night. I'm going nuts. I don't know what to do. I tried drinking but that didn't work.Warm milk makes me sick, can't choke it down.If anyone can help me PLEASE do so.
  • Everything as it Should Be

    Went to the docs yesterday. He says everything looks good to him. Then I told him about the itch I've had for the last 5 days. It's been driving me nuts I can't scratch the sutures. So he looked a little closer & said I have a yeast infection. Never thought I'd hear that about me. But if this is...
  • Just Moving Along

    Had a scare yesterday morning. I was bending down to reach something when I felt a snap behind my sutures. Than PAIN like a hot knife. I just knew I screwed up bad. I called my doctor & left a messege but he never called back. Tried my sisters & got no answer. The only person I talked to was...
  • Back Home

    This will be a short one.I had the operation Thur at noon. Was up walking that night. It went very well. It looks so great to not see an ostomy bag hanging on me. Fri I was walking in the hall & the doctor said I might be able to go home Mon if my insides wake up. Well they did that night.Than t...
  • Getting Close

    When I got up this morning my ostomy was loose. I got out my stuff & starting changing it. Then it accured to me that this could be the last time I ever do that. It's been a long time coming 8 months. 8months of feeling like shit. I've been saying that it will be over on thursday. But when the h...