Recent Entries

  • Going to see Mere next weekend. Had it planned to go after I got off work on Friday. Now they changed my starting time again so I won't get off untill 6pm. After I shower & eat something it will be about 7 when I get started. The drive is somewhere between 4 & 5 hours.Work told me I can't go...
  • I dawned on me this morning as I was watering my plants that last year I was so afraid someone would notice my legs were shaved that I never wore shorts outside. This summer I've worn shorts everywhere but work without thinking about it. I guess you just get so used to it, it doesn't  evan accure to...
  • Hot Humid & Icky!!!I went to bed Wensday night with out looking at a weather report. I had my window open to let in some air. When I woke up my gown was glued to me. It felt so gross. I turned on the air to kill the humidity & went straight to the shower. Work Thursday & Friday was nasty...
  • They waited untill the last minute Thursday to tell me I needed to fill in for someone on second shift Friday. But that I still had to cover at least half of first shift. So I knew it was going to be a long day but yay I would get some overtime.I had to run cell 5 for the first time in a long time. ...
  • Dreams can be so wierd. I had a dream in which I was a woman. I didn't feel any different but everyone kept calling me "she or her". But that's not what stuck out about it in my mind.I have on many accasions dreamed I was dressed in a nice dress or skirt. In this dream I was wearing a deni...
  • Guess I need to shrink this one down a bit.It's been an intresting week at work. They split my day up. I start at 6am work untill 10am than go home untill 2pm & work untill 6. It feels like I'm there for the whole 12hrs realy, not fun. But you have to be willing to do what's needed, that's just ...
  • I'm looking at the end of my credit card trouble. I will soon pay off one more which only leaves one, the biggest one. But once it's done with I will never let things get to this point again. When I was laid off it was the credit cards that would have sunk me. So I've learnd one must use credit wise...
  • Mental Roller Coaster -- Up Down-Up Down

    I started off today the same. No job nowhere to go, feeling down. At 9 I went to pick up my vacation check & heard they might be calling a tech back to work. My check coverd all my outstanding bills with some left over, feeling up.My doctor called to say the CT scan of my liver showed the cist h...
  • A Sign of The Times

    When I bought my condo a history search showed that they had been selling for $120,000. I paid $57,000. The unit 2 door over just sold for $25,000. The lady had to sell it or lose it. But that take the value of all of them way down. I may be losing mine soon. It would be nice if I could rent it out,...
  • Well trying to think of someways I could shrink my bills I got an email from Onstar. I'd forgot about that. I called to cancell & they gave me 3 months free, after that time I can still cancell or continue at a much lower price per month.Than I called Sprint to complain about getting spam text t...