Recent Entries

  • Yay! It's Fall!!!!

    As fall and October get ready to make their appearance (already has where I live) there are so many things to consider! I already bought a pair of new fall boots that I managed to fall in last night in front of a bunch of people. I know what your thinking! The boots were not the four inch stile...
  • Wish I wrote this!

    To be or not to be; that is the question. I am everything and nothing – male/female, beautiful/ugly, shy/outgoing, saint/sinner, humble/egotistical and I’ve been known to be happy, sad and angry all at the same time. I am, and more importantly, I am not. Wish i was good enough to write it! ...
  • A Century????

    Wow! almost at the the 100 mark on the number of posts to my blog: since May 20th!I did update my transgender book today!
  • What??? Another New Term???AAAAGH!

    Aw-right girls. Start making fun of me now for either living in a cave OR introducing yet another new term-"Bi Gender". I saw it as a question on another blog. Of course I had to throw in my two cents worth! I am a "bi gender" person. It means to me that one day I can live as a...
  • Transgender-A Blessing OR A Curse?

    For transgender folks like us, this question has burned a deep hole in our psyche. On one hand we hate one side of ourselves. On the other we can't wait to return to the other side. How many times have I written about the joy of feeling my long curls on my bare back and shoulders or the soft fee...
  • A Shopping Fool!

    To many of you girls who are entrenched in your closet, or those who are tentatively stepping out-here is a story that I hope will help. Some of it is repeated in the "Handy Dandy" how to post (on My main Blog : but please be patient with me. I'...
  • Just When You Thought...

    You have it together, here comes another question! It's Saturday night and I went out after my Buckeyes posted a big win! I was going to a slightly upscale place so I was looking for a special outfit. After digging through the closet, I found this black shortish "flippy" skirt. I pa...
  • Trapped?

    "Trapped in a man's body" is a phrase that has received a lot of attention over the years in the transgender community. During the past week and a half I've been trapped in that body.(I have a brutal work schedule and have not been able to play) But have I really been trapped in that ...
  • New "How TO" Post

    The first installment of my transgender "how to" page is up in it's own room! Been wanting to do it for awhile! I hope in the future to make it a feature you can add to! Thanks girl friends!Read it here:
  • Yet Another Transgender

    First off, there are many guides that will help you become the best transgendered girl you can become. All of these transgendered help guides have something in common. They all may not mean a thing to you! Including this one. On the other hand (or high heel) a guide could mean everything- but it...