Recent Entries

  • Let Them See

    As I have the day off I'm already dressed as Karen.  In my last blog I said I hated keeping the curtains closed in nice weather so I could dress. Well I'm not doing it anymore. If my neighbors don't want to see me then they shouldn't look. Thier all old anyway, I can beat them up. lolI've been repla...
  • That Time of Year Again

    Yes it's that time that I want to open my windows & let the sun & air in. But I also want to wear some skirts & tops I have.Weekends are the best time to let Karen out as I don't have a set time limit before work. I can be me, as long as I sit behind closed curtains. That bothers me. Als...
  • Nothing New I Guess

    As I said in an earlier blog I have made the decision to transition. Well Mere called & said I have to stop flip flopping on this. But my god what a change of life this is. I've allways known that I wanted to be a girl. But I didn't know anything about it, didn't know who I was for sure.I told m...
  • That Ends That

    The girl upstairs says I would have to stop dressing & through all Karens clothes away if I were to live with her. That's to bad.Lately I've been buying tops & pants. I wear them out anywhere. You can't realy tell there womens but I know it & if you look so could anyone. Soon I won't be ...
  • Need Help

    I may post this in the forums as well to get a wider responce.It's no secret I'm having money trouble right now. I've been sick & missed a lot of work. I still haven't paid my bills for april yet.I've been seeing the girl that lives upstairs on occasion. But just for a night here & there. We...
  • On my Mind

    Got some sleep lastnight & don't feel so lost this morning.  A hospital is a hard place to sleep in. With all the noise, lights & other things going on. My first day I was in observation. Boring but I had a TV & they put me in a corner so it would be quiet. The second day they admitted m...
  • All Done With the Meds

    Finely after 6 months of never knowing how I'm gong to feel on weekends because of meds I was taking I'm done with them. My legs are like pin coushins from self injections & coverd with small rashes. That can know clear up with a little time. I had bought some tops that I ment to wear this summe...
  • Last Day of the Weekend

    My best friend this weekend has been a box of tissue. I've carried it with me everywhere I went. I don't feel bad just this stuffy nose. I've had to blow it so many times it hurts.That also means I didn't realy dress this weekend. Except to bed, I feel naked without a gown on. Which is only right si...
  • A 4 Day Weekend

    Cool except my nose is so stopped up I can't use it at all. So other than a couple of erronds I'll be staying home.Only 2 more weeks of meds to go & I'll be done with that. Bout time!! Week 3 will be  6 pack. My first beer since Mere was here for New Year 2006. I bought some summer tops T's &...
  • An Odd Week

    Things have been very busy at work. Which means a lot of trouble as my job is to fix problems of all kinds. Than Thur. & Fri were dead everything worked like it's supposed to. :)I think my high point came when the HR manager asked if I had a large number of female genes. It was because of a girl...